9 Things America Does That The Rest of the World Finds Totally Weird

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Every country has its own unique customs, but some of America’s everyday habits stand out as particularly unusual to outsiders. Whether it’s the overwhelming display of patriotism, the deeply ingrained tipping culture, or the sheer size of food portions, these cultural quirks often leave visitors scratching their heads. These are nine things America does that the rest of the world finds truly weird.

1. Patriotism and Flag Display

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If you’ve ever been to the United States, you already know that Americans display their flag proudly everywhere. From homes to cars to clothing, you will see this flag wherever you go. This level of patriotism is unusual compared to many other countries, where flags are typically reserved for national holidays or government buildings. The American flag is a symbol of unity and national pride, especially after significant events like the September 11 attacks.

2. Tipping Culture

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Tipping at restaurants in the U.S. is often confusing to foreigners. Tipping became popular after the Civil War because service workers were paid very low wages and were expected to make up the difference through tips. Today, tipping is common and expected in many service industries, which has led to income disparities among workers.

3. Car Culture and Driving Habits

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Americans drive a lot and often prefer cars over public transport, which is unusual compared to most European countries where walking, cycling, or using public transport is more common. This is likely influenced by infrastructure that was designed for cars and the extensive distances between locations in the U.S.

4. Large Portions and Food Choices

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It’s no secret that American food portions are often a lot bigger than those in other countries. The variety of food options, which includes customizing orders, can be overwhelming for foreigners. The trend towards massive portions has led to health issues like obesity.

5. Pledging Allegiance to the Flag

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Some foreigners view the daily ritual of pledging allegiance to the flag in schools as unusual or even “cult-like.” This is done to instill patriotism and respect for national values among students. While it is optional in many states, some argue it should be mandatory.

6. Wearing Shoes Indoors

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In many cultures around the world, it is normal to remove your shoes before entering a home. However, Americans often wear shoes indoors, which is often seen as unhygienic or impolite by foreigners.

7. Single-Use Products and Lack of Recycling

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Many Europeans, who prioritize sustainability and recycling, are surprised by the use of single-use plastics and the lack of recycling facilities in America. This is because of contrasting environmental priorities and consumption habits between the U.S. and other countries.

8. Public Displays of Affection and Personal Space


Americans often engage in public displays of affection and may stand farther apart than people in other cultures, but they also tend to be more open with strangers, which can be confusing to some. This openness can sometimes be misinterpreted as friendliness or lack of personal boundaries.

9. Maternity and Engagement Photoshoots

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Having professional photoshoots for engagements and pregnancies is seen as unusual by some foreigners, who might view these as private moments rather than public celebrations. These photoshoots have become popular due to social media trends and changing social norms, which allow couples to share their milestones publicly.

Non-Americans Are Sharing The Weirdest Things About America That Americans Don’t Realize Are Weird
13 things that Americans do that the rest of the world finds bizarre
Foreigners Reveal: 17 Weird Things Americans Do (That We Think Are Normal)

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Hi, I'm Jaemie, a writer and history enthusiast. I enjoy writing about historical events, exploring the lives of remarkable figures, and sharing stories that connect us to the past.