Presidential inaugurations are meant to be grand and historic, but sometimes, things take an unexpected turn. These 9 moments prove that not everything goes as planned. Some are hilarious, others shocking—but all will make you see inaugurations in a new way!
1. Elon Musk’s Controversial Salute at Trump’s Second Inauguration

After Trump’s second inauguration, Elon Musk made a gesture that left many viewers with questions. His extended-arm gesture was similar to one which both Hitler and the Nazis used. While some found it very inappropriate, others found the gesture acceptable. The backlash came very quickly to deal with the mess that had been made, and Musk’s “salute” became one of the most talked-about moments of the event.
2. Ulysses S. Grant’s Inauguration Froze—Literally!

The second inauguration of Grant in 1873 was a cold nightmare. Wind chills of -30°F (-34 °C) occurred, and the musicians’ breath instantly turned into ice. Champagne also froze, and the soldiers marching in the parade suffered from frostbite. The worst part? The birds released as part of the celebration froze midair and dropped dead. Guests were left horrified.
3. JFK’s Podium Caught Fire Mid-Ceremony

John F. Kennedy’s inauguration wasn’t just a major event, it was nearly a disaster! As the Cardinal Richard Cushing gave an invocation it was suddenly discovered that smoke had started to rise from the top of the podium consecutively, the heater had been the cause! Staff ran around to sort out this misfortune. Even poet Robert Frost struggled to read his speech as the sun blinded him.
4. Richard Nixon’s Bizarre Attempt to Eliminate Pigeons
Richard Nixon was keen to personally execute a perfect event in 1973—from start to end—with no pigeon ruining it. To achieve this, his solution was poison. Unfortunately, the result was not what was envisioned: hundreds of dead pigeons littered the entire parade route, causing onlookers to be horrified at the sight. Not exactly the dignified event he envisioned!
5. Andrew Jackson’s Inaugural Party Turned Into Chaos

Andrew Jackson hosted a party of 20,000 guests at the White House after his 1829 inauguration. The result of this was complete chaos: drunk guests damaged the White House furniture, climbed on chairs, and, in some cases, viciously attacked other guests. Fortunately, Jackson managed to make his exit by jumping out of a window. To get rid of them, the staff had to place tubs of whiskey outside the lawn to lure the crowds, and it worked! It was one of the most elaborate inaugurations of all time.
6. Abraham Lincoln’s VP Showed Up Drunk—And Gave a Speech

Andrew Johnson was set up to be inaugurated as Lincoln’s Vice President in 1865; however, one problem was that he was drunk. After he had drunk three glasses of alcohol, Johnson only managed 17 minutes of his speech before he was stopped. Johnson went on to kiss the Bible! Lincoln later defended Johnson but the embarrassing moment remains.
7. William Henry Harrison’s Speech May Have Cost Him His Life

William Henry Harrison delivered a two-hour speech in freezing weather, without a coat or hat, making it the longest inaugural speech in history. Unfortunately, a month later, William Henry Harrison passed away. It is believed that his death was due to the cold. Either way, Harrison holds the record for both the longest speech and the shortest presidency—just 32 days.
8. Women’s Suffrage Parade Stole the Spotlight from Woodrow Wilson

When Woodrow Wilson arrived for his 1913 inauguration, the streets were empty. Why? Everyone was at the massive women’s suffrage parade the day before. Over 500,000 people watched women march for voting rights while Wilson was greeted by an empty crowd. The march wasn’t peaceful—men harassed the women, and police violence erupted. But history was made!
9. A Cowboy lassoed Dwight D. Eisenhower

Cowboy Montie Montana rode up to President Eisenhower’s parade float in 1953 with a bold request: “May I lasso you, Mr. President?” Surprisingly, Eisenhower agreed. Montana threw a perfect 15-foot lasso, looping the new president to the delight of the cheering crowd. It remains the only time a U.S. president has been roped at an inauguration!
The 10 Wildest Things That Really Happened At Presidential Inaugurations
The Most Notable Moments from Past Inaugurations